
The genomic study brings us closer to precision medicine for type 2 diabetes

September, 2018

Type 2 diabetes: Five genetic ‘clusters’ may explain evolution

La Medicina Personalizada para la diabetes tipo 2, cada vez más cerca

September, 2018

Más cerca de la medicina de precisión para la diabetes tipo 2

Una nueva clasificación de la diabetes tipo 2 facilitará la medicina ‘a la carta’

September, 2018

Leveraging genomics to illuminate race/ethnicity differences in type 2 diabetes

February, 2018

The lecture is part of the Genomics and Health Disparities Lecture Series, a collaborative effort that was formed to enhance opportunities for dialogue about how innovations in genomics research and technology can impact health disparities.

Midsummer Nights Science talk at Broad

July, 2017

What is diabetes? Why do some people develop diabetes and others do not? Could prevention and treatment be individualized for each patient? Using diabetes as a case study, Jose Florez will discuss the emerging approach of precision medicine — a quest to unravel the genetic basis of diseases and their complications in order to provide a basis for effective, tailored therapies. Florez will illustrate the power of contemporary genetics to address these crucial areas.

Turning risk association to biological insight in type 2 diabetes

June, 2017

Following up on findings from genome-wide association studies, researchers identify two mechanisms by which disruptions in the gene SLC16A11 may play a role in type 2 diabetes.

La predisposición genética a la hiperglucemia aumenta las probabilidades de padecer enfermedad coronaria

June, 2017

The Key Drivers of Obesity, the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes, and Promising New Directions to Reduce Risk

October, 2016

National Academy of Medicine annual meeting.