Turning risk association to biological insight in type 2 diabetes
June, 2017
Following up on findings from genome-wide association studies, researchers identify two mechanisms by which disruptions in the gene SLC16A11 may play a role in type 2 diabetes.
La predisposición genética a la hiperglucemia aumenta las probabilidades de padecer enfermedad coronaria
June, 2017

Fundacion Carlos Slim
Carlos Slim Foundation and the Broad Institute Launched a Website on Type 2 Diabetes Genomics
February, 2016

National Institutes of Health
International diabetes research knowledge portal opens to public, scientists
October, 2015
Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Foundation for the NIH (FNIH) have expanded a recently launched online library, called a knowledge portal, which allows open-access searching of human genetic and clinical information on type 2 diabetes. Individual data will remain confidential. The portal includes information from several major international networks, collected from decades of research.

Broad Institute
International team unearths strong genetic risk factor for type 2 diabetes in Latin American populations
June, 2014
Although type 2 diabetes is a major public health problem across the globe, Latin American countries carry a disproportionately heavy burden (relative rates of type 2 diabetes by country shown in purple above). Broad Institute researchers and their collaborators have discovered a strong genetic risk factor for type 2 diabetes that primarily affects Latin American patients, but is rare elsewhere.
Unskinny genes
January, 2014
Diabetes in Latin America: New research suggests a genetic susceptibility to the disease.
Sufrimos mas diabetes por un gen heredado de los neandertales
December, 2013
Un gran estudio en descendientes de indigenas americanos desvela un gen que explica por que hay mas diabetes entre latinoamericanos que entre europeos.

Broad Institute
New genetic risk factor for type 2 diabetes revealed
December, 2013
An international team of researchers in Mexico and the United States has uncovered a new genetic clue that contributes to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, particularly the elevated risk among Mexican and other Latin American populations.
Obama premia a un médico español por su investigación sobre la diabetes
November, 2011

Hay compañeros españoles un poco anquilosados
October, 2011
Para un científico joven, pocos reconocimientos hay mayores que recibir un premio del presidente de Estados Unidos por el gran potencial de sus investigaciones. A Jose Carlos Florez, medico español que busca nuevos métodos para tratar la diabetes tipo 2, le ocurrió el viernes.